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19 Important Questions To ask Your Child's School Administrator & Head-Teacher.

    What academic standards do you use, and what do I need to know about them?

    How will you respond if or when my child struggles in class?

    What are the most important and complex (content-related) ideas my child needs to understand by the end of the year?

    Do you focus on strengths or weaknesses?

    How are creativity and innovative thinking used on a daily basis in your classroom?

    How is critical thinking used on a daily basis in your classroom?

    How are assessments designed to promote learning rather than simple measurement?

    What can I do to support literacy in my home?

    What kinds of questions do you suggest that I ask my children on a daily basis about your classes?

    How exactly is learning personalized in your classroom? In the school?

    How do you measure academic progress apart from the standardized testing?

    What are the most common instructional or literacy strategies you will use this year?

    What learning models do you use (e.g., project-based learning, mobile learning, game-based learning, etc.), and what do you see as the primary benefits of that approach?

    What are the best school or online learning resources that we should consider using as a family to support our child in the classroom?

    Is there technology you'd recommend that can help support my child in self-directed learning?

    What are the most common barriers you see to academic progress in your classroom?

    How is education changing?

    How do you see the role of the teacher in the learning process?

    What am I not asking but should be?

And when you get interesting or surprising answers to these questions, please share them in the comments section on this blog.


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