Struggling with math can make kids feel like they’re not smart. And that can take a toll on their self-esteem. Let your child know that everyone struggles with something and that all people have strengths, too. Help your child develop a growth mindset and stay motivated to keep trying, even when math is hard.
It’s not uncommon for kids to have trouble with math.
Math difficulties can show at different ages and in lots of ways.
If your child is struggling with math, you might wonder why, and whether it’s something to be concerned about. Some people are just bad at math, right?
Some kids who have trouble with math just need more time and practice to learn math skills. Others need extra help and support to get there.
Math Difficulties You Might Be Seeing
If your child is having difficulty with math, there are certain behaviors you might see. Kids who struggle with math might avoid doing math homework or get upset when they have to do it. They might cry before math tests or refuse to go to school on days when tests take place.
There are other signs of difficulty that may not even seem related to math. For example, you might see your child struggling with very simple concepts, like “more” and “less” and “bigger” and “smaller. Your child might also have trouble understanding amounts or the order of things in a list, such as “first,” “second” or “third.”
The ability to understand these and other basic concepts is known as number sense. When kids have poor number sense, it makes it hard to learn math.
As kids move through school and have to learn more complex math, their challenges may show up in other ways. Here are some skills kids may struggle with:
Understanding time and distance
Working with measurements
Remembering math facts, like 2 + 4 = 6
Multiplication and division
Identifying symbols like + and –
Putting numerals in the right column
Working with money
Understanding graphs and charts
What Can Cause Trouble With Math
Why is math so hard for some kids? When kids struggle with math, it doesn’t mean they’re not smart. It also doesn’t mean they’re lazy. In fact, kids who have trouble with math are often trying really hard. They just need more and better support to improve.
Being a boy or a girl doesn’t have anything to do with math skills, either.
All kids develop math skills at different rates. Younger kids might just need more time to hit math milestones.
Sometimes, even when kids understand math, they may feel anxious about doing math at all. Some people call this math anxiety. Kids get so stressed out about math that it gets in the way of learning math. It can make it seem like they’re struggling with math, even if they aren’t.
And sometimes, certain learning and thinking differences are a factor. This includes a common math learning difficulty called dyscalculia.
The good news is that whatever is behind your child’s difficulties with math, there are things you and the school can do to help.
What Can Help Kids With Math
No matter what’s causing your child’s trouble with math, there are ways to help. Take notes on what you’re seeing. If there’s a pattern that goes on for a while, talk to your child’s teacher and pediatrician. They can be great sources of information and advice.
Ask the teacher what’s happening in class and what you can try at home.
Below are some ways you can help your child build math skills:
Below are some ways you can help your child build math skills:
Look into board games and books that help younger kids build math skills.
Explore fun techniques that use more than one sense.
Download free graphic organizers for math.
Get tips for helping with tricky math homework.
Make sure your child understands the concept, or they are facing the daunting challenge of memorizing meaningless rules and drills.
Teach your child to write clearly and neatly. Tracing letters or writing on graph paper will improve his/her number writing.
Be around to refresh your child's memory or explain forgotten concepts.
Review math vocabulary to ensure your child can define the skills he/she is learning.
Promote putting down the calculator. Computing math problems in his/her head will reinforce concepts more quickly.
Check to make sure your child is approaching his/her homework properly. They should study the textbook and practice the sample problem before starting the assignment.
Encourage him/her to tackle more than just the assigned problems.
Approach word problems together. Suggest that he/she read aloud, repeat, and draw a picture of each problem.
Explain how math applies to real-life situations and challenge him to help you solve the math problems you encounter when you're out together, such as figuring out how many apples to buy or calculating change. Your child will be more interested in mastering math if he/she realizes its real-world value.
Does your child really know it? If they can answer a basic math question within three seconds she's mastered the concept. Try drills and flash cards to get him/her up to speed.
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