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7 Top Quality Math Websites For Kids, That Are Packed With Free Online Games And Activities.

There are so many math websites for kids, it’s hard to tell which sites are high-quality ones that will help kids learn.
These websites also have  resources to help kids conquer math skills and facts!
This list of math websites for kids will help you find free online games for kids to play, as well as resources to help you teach them important skills!

When looking for math websites and resources to use with kids, it is important that they offer something high-quality and equally as effective as your own teaching. Here you will find just that!

The included websites have free games for students to play, giving them an interactive and hands-on approach to practicing math skills they need to learn. You’ll also find websites that have fantastic teacher resources so that you can better plan and carry out your math lessons.

Math Website for Kids:
1.Fun Brain Math Zone-
The Math Zone on Fun Brain is filled with fantastic games kids will love. They can play Connect the Dots in order to practice counting and skip counting. The game Math Basketballhelps kids with addition and subtraction. There is also MathCar Race for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. No matter what math skill kids need to practice, there’s a math game that can help on Fun Brain.

Top Reasons to Use Fun Brain:

It’s FUN!!!

Practice basic and advanced math skills

Find games by grade

Math Website for Kids:

2. Khan Academy-
Students, teachers, and parents can all make use of this free math website. After creating an account with Khan Academy, you’ll have access to all of their free math resources. You can browse by math topic or you can filter by grade. There are plenty of activities for kids to enjoy, no matter what age!

Top Reasons to Use Khan Academy:

Filter by grade or by topic

Kids love it

Practice math skills for all grade levels

Math Website for Kids:
3.Math Game Time-
There are so many math games to play on Math Game Time. You can browse by their grade level, or choose from any number of games on the popular list. From the games Kitten Match Additionto Meteor Multiplication, your students will love exploring this math website.

Top Reasons to Use Math Game Time

Access to math videos, worksheets, and games

Search by grade or subject

Search by popularity

Math Website for Kids:
4. Math Goodies-
No matter what math skill needs practice, Math Goodies has something that can help. There are games and puzzles that kids can play for some math fun. Find worksheets filtered by grade, making it easy to find what you need. Can’t find what you need? You can generate your very own worksheet, customized to a child’s needs and abilities.

Top Reasons to Use Math Goodies

Lessons for teachers

Games and worksheets for students

Fun and interactive

Math Website for Kids:
5.Math Playground-
With a name like Math Playground, you know kids will have a blast on this math website! There are many free games to play on this website, including Rabbit Samurai, Monster Mischief, and more! You can sort by topics, such as addition, subtraction, or fractions. You can also search games by grade level, giving kids a great selection of age-appropriate games to play.

Top Reasons to Use Math Playground

Practice both basic and advanced math skills

Interactive games for learning

Browse by grade

Math Website for Kids:


Teachers will love what is offered on the math website, Prodigy, where they can get a free subscription. Students can use it to play math games designed to increase their math skills, while teachers can use it to monitor student progress. Kids work at their own pace so that they’re not struggling to keep up with their peers.

Top Reasons to Use Prodigy

Math for grades 1-8

Free for teachers

24/7 reporting on student success

Math Resources by:
7. Proud to be Primary-
If you’re looking for plenty of ideas to teach math to your students, Proud to be Primary is the website for you. You’ll find a ton of tips for teaching math, as well as different ideas for impactful lessons and hands-on activities. Find posts on building number sense, teaching addition and subtraction, which children’s books are the best for teaching math, and much more.

Top Activities on Proud to be Primary

Measurement & Time (Hour & Half Hour) – Practicing time has never been more fun. This pack is filled with fun measurement and time activities.

Math Mats – These engaging printables for First Grade cover a ton of important skills on one page. Great for morning work and daily review!

Number of the Day – Here’s a great way to engage your class in daily number talks!

Number Line Math Game – Practice addition, subtraction, and more with this fun, FREE game!

Math Workshop Rotation Board – Need help organizing your math class into groups? This rotation board can help get your class organized!

Addition Math Fact Fluency – Practice those math facts with flashcards, drills, and activities.

No matter what math skill your children are learning, there’s a fun way for them to practice. The more they practice, the closer they’ll get to mastery on that skill.
These math websites for kids have everything you need for success, including customizable printables, interactive games, and teacher resources.


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