By: Joe Matten. There’s nothing like the father-son relationship. As a boy grows up, there will be many people who influence him and his development into adulthood. As a father, you are, and should be, his most important role model. He needs you. Tomorrow we’ll cover the 7 things a daughter needs from her dad. However, today here are 7 things a son needs from his father. 1. He needs you to love his mother. When you love your wife, or the mother of your son, you are showing him how to treat his mother, his sisters, and all the women he’ll meet in his life. This will set the foundation for the relationships he will have later in his life. If you are divorced and the relationship is difficult, do what you can to treat his mother with respect. 2. He needs to see you fail, not just succeed. “The best teacher is failure. The best type of failure to learn from is someone else’s.” The best teacher is failure. The best type of failure to learn from is someone else’s. When your s...
There are so many math websites for kids, it’s hard to tell which sites are high-quality ones that will help kids learn. These websites also have resources to help kids conquer math skills and facts! This list of math websites for kids will help you find free online games for kids to play, as well as resources to help you teach them important skills! When looking for math websites and resources to use with kids, it is important that they offer something high-quality and equally as effective as your own teaching. Here you will find just that! The included websites have free games for students to play, giving them an interactive and hands-on approach to practicing math skills they need to learn. You’ll also find websites that have fantastic teacher resources so that you can better plan and carry out your math lessons. Math Website for Kids: 1.Fun Brain Math Zone- The Math Zone on Fun Brain is filled with fantastic games kids will love. They can play Connect the D...